Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back on Track Update

What an incredible sunny morning. I had to stop on my way to work and catch this picture for you. The fog was still lying in the valley and the sun was bright and warm. I was standing on the edge of a small pasture area. The horse in the barn off to the right (not in picture) whinnied at me as he looked out the window, probably hoping I'd let him out.

We had a wonderful prayer meeting last night. What an encouragement it is to get together with other Christians to pray and share needs and praises and listen to God's Word being taught. We had lots of folks out too. Some are on vacation visiting with our members. The message was a challenge to me to keep my heart close to the Lord. I want my life to shine for Him.

The days have been shorter... how's that happen? I have more to do than there are hours in the day. Work has been incredibly busy and Mr. Doug has had things for me to do when I get home from work, so that means that there is very little time for anything else. I'm not complaining about Mr. Doug asking me to do stuff. He really has more to do than he can get done and I want to help, but I also like to have a clean house and good meals. This also takes time.

I am on track, but it's been a little bumpy.

Bible Reading:
All I have really had time for is preparing my SS lessons this week. So this is way off track. It's not that I have been slacking though. When I make schedules for doing something and am not able to accomplish them then I'm disappointed in myself and feel as though I really have no control over things. It's not as though I come home from work at night and put my feet up and pull out a novel and read till midnight, or switch on the TV and watch meaningless garbage there.
I do know that God doesn't ask me to do things that are impossible to accomplish, but that is how I am feeling right now. I know He is concerned about the little things in my life and I'm waiting on Him to see how this will all work out. I'll keep you posted. I'm not giving up!

Diet and Exercise:
I have had opportunity to exercise walking the hill several times on Saturday and then again last night. I would have liked to get some walking in on Monday or Tuesday but both days were quite busy.
I have been able to stick to a good diet because I haven't had time to snack between meals. I did have an ice cream on Monday, but it was a small one :( still not too good for me all that sugar!

If I only eat my meals there is no sugar and lots of fiber. Doug and I eat the same stuff, but if I have time to snack... that's where the problem come in. I am also eating my suppers way too late. We like to use all the available daylight which means not taking time to eat till after dark and then after that we're both so tired we just drop into bed and that's the end of it but all those calories are going right to fat storage because we aren't working off any of it. We also don't sleep as well when we eat before going to bed. Still trying to iron out that schedule so we can both eat at a decent hour and have a little exercise after eating.

We had chicken on the grill last night with steamed veggies.
Thursday: Roast Chicken, cauliflower
Friday: Pizza... having company
Saturday: Hamburgers on homemade rolls
Sunday: Chicken and cabbage baked with cheese
Monday: Soup and bisuits
Tuesday: leftover day

More tomorrow, gotta run, lunch is over and mail needs to be done.


Lori said...

Hey Mrs. Doug, what a beautiful picture you were able to capture on the way to work! Don't ya just stand in awe of the Lord's creation when you see sights like that??!! Enjoyed reading this post. :)
Have a wonderful day today!

Mrs.T said...

Thanks for sharing your progress! Mine has been a little bumpy this past week too. This morning I had what I would consider the ideal quiet time, for me, at least. I'm thankful to the Lord for giving me this time after a very busy weekend!