Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Glorious Colors of Fall

This glorious picture was the banner on today's devotional in Days of Praise. If you don't get these online, you really ought to sign up. It is a great pick-up during the day anytime you want. Today's devotional was on Fellowship. I am looking forward to tonight and having fellowship with my brothers and sisters at prayer meeting.

Fellowship is a sharing of common interests and goal. Christians who have fellowship with other Christians share the bonds of Christ. We have a common goal to glorify God with our lives. We share a common goal to spread His love to others that they might see the Lord in us. We have a common sure hope in Him. His Word does not fail us. We will one day be with Him forever.

From Defender's Study Bible:
Concerning I John 1:3 - “Fellowship” as used in Scripture does not refer to
mere social companionship or camaraderie, as we tend to use the term today. The
same word is translated “communion” (e.g., I Corinthians 10:16; II
Corinthians 6:14). The basic meaning is “joint participation in things held in
common.” The fellowship we can have with the Father through the Son (John
17:22,26) is the same fellowship we as believers can have with one

Isn't that exciting that our fellowship with one another is the same fellowship we have with God through Jesus Christ? Makes heaven an even more glorious place because there we will have fellowship all the time... not the same as we have here, of course our goals will be different, but perfect fellowship/union with God the Father and with one another.

I need to share a few blessings with you...
Our garden has done very well this year. I put up 9 quarts of Romano beans last night and we have lots of winter squash and haven't even begun on the beets yet... one of my favorites. We had 3 days of frost. Each one of those days over the weekend there was a thick frost on the car windows, but the garden was not touched. This happened last year too where the first two frosts last year hit the upper portion of the hill, but spared the garden. We would have not lost too much, the chard and beet greens probably would have toughened after frost, but now we have a couple more days to get those harvested too.

Our peas did well, but I had not planted very many and felt bad that we did not get to put any in the freezer for winter. Well yesterday we received 2 cases of snow peas. Mr. Doug and I worked on them till about 11 pm and we still did not get them all prepared for freezing. I am hoping to finish this project tonight after prayer meeting while we are waiting for supper to get done.

Then the other day we received a huge bag of carrots. That is something I do not grow in our garden, so we will have a good supply of those in the freezer.

I needed to take a couple days off for butchering and went to talk to my supervisor yesterday about that. No one else has asked for time off just at the exact time we need to get our work done (mid October).

God is working in our lives every day. He gives us many blessings and we thank Him. I know that there will be other times in our lives that will be lean, but today is a day to thank Him for these blessings. Like Paul says... (paraphrased cause I can't remember where it is found), we know how to be full and to suffer need and thank the Lord for all.

God's blessing on you today!

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