Friday, September 25, 2009

Abiding in Him

From the Defender’s Study Bible:
15:4 Abide in me. The verb “abide” is the
same in the Greek as “continue” or “remain,” and is used no less than twelve
times in John 15:4-16. The same word is used in John 8:31 when Jesus said those
who “continue in my word” are “my disciples indeed.” See also John 15:7. Thus,
abiding in Christ is not some mystical concept but simply adhering strictly to
the words of Christ as found in the Scriptures, guarding them as true and
authoritative in every respect, and seeking to obey them by God’s help.

I have often felt helpless when hard times come. I know that the feeling of helplessness comes from Satan to discourage me. I know that through Christ I can do all things. When I start feeling helpless, I have to check where I’m at in my “abiding”. I guess it is a life long battle. I seem to always take things on like a bull charging the fence and then come to realize after some time that the fence isn’t going to give and that the pasture really is a better and more protected place to be. I will be able to accomplish more as He works in my life than all the effort I put forth without abiding in His Word and doing things His way.

From this day forward my prayer will be,
Let me abide in Christ and Him in me.
I will not accomplish a thing by myself
That counts for eternity.
(only wood, hay, and stubble)
Maybe this little thought will help you today somehow as you seek to abide in Him.
Love ya all!
Mrs. D


Lori said...

Oh very good post, Mrs. Doug. I some ways, we as Christians should feel our helplessness. We certainly need to be reminded where our help really comes from.

by the way, I'm so glad you tried (and liked) one of those Taste of Home recipes. I never would have thought of substituting apple juice for the sugar in the recipe! Certainly makes it more healthy, doesn't it? :) Smart girl! :)

PS - I'm adding you to my google reader...I've meant to do that for a long time and kept forgetting. But I've gotcha in there now!! LOL!

Sandra said...

It's so easy to get my eyes on everything else that I forget where my strength truly comes from. Abiding in him is hard when tough times come, but that is the only place to be.